How did you get into running?

I actually always enjoyed running, as it was one thing I always felt good doing and ran quite a bit in college just for exercise. My first 5K was the Firecracker in 1989, but I never really continued with running once I moved back to Little Rock after college as work and other hobbies took over. It wasn’t until 2010 while in a boot camp the instructor urged me to run the Firecracker 5K that weekend. I signed up on a whim with no training and enjoyed every bit of it. I had forgotten how great running makes you feel and it slowly escalated from there.

I ran my first half at Little Rock in 2012 and my first marathon was the 2014 Little Rock Marathon. Since then, I have run more than 15 half marathons and ran my 11th marathon in December. I currently am working on trying to qualify for the 2018 Boston Marathon.

What changes/results can you attribute to running?

I would have to say that the weight loss and much better health are the biggest attributes. Overall, I have lost 30 pounds and just my general well-being is much better now with me feeling fit and relaxed. It has helped me to be more mindful of my nutrition and helped me be more patient with life in general.

Where is your favorite place to run?

I enjoy mixing it up quite a bit, with my weekday runs in my neighborhood, then hitting the River Trail and Two Rivers park on the weekends, or various routes through the city. I also like to run trails to help with my hill training.

William Fletcher is the executive vice president and COO of Kinco Constructors.