How did you get into CrossFit?

About seven years ago, my husband started going to what was then Arkansas Sports Performance Center. He was very excited about the workouts, so I went to see what all the fuss was about. I liked it as well and was fairly dedicated until the gym changed ownership. I started going to 10 Fitness a few years ago and went to the CrossFit classes there before they discontinued their CrossFit certification. I remained at 10 Fitness and went to the various classes they offered until I started going faithfully to the box I go to now that opened last year. I have always been active over the years, but CrossFit allows me to get a more comprehensive workout. I also don’t get bored because there is a new skill to perfect for each WOD (workout of the day).

What changes/results can you attribute to CrossFit?

I am more dedicated to my fitness and I make time for it. I have become even more competitive since I became more serious about working out. It is a great sense of accomplishment to be able to do strict pull-ups and at least 10 kipping pull-ups in a row. It also makes me feel good when random people ask me if I work out or if I was an athlete in college (the latter question always makes my husband laugh).

I also have to say that sensible eating is at least 75 percent of achieving the desired result. I sought the help of Lindsey Black of Onyx Nutrition, who showed me that I was eating way too much protein and not enough vegetables. The right combination of the food groups provides me with the energy I need to get through the workouts and my day. Most importantly, I don’t give myself a hard time about eating what I want from time to time.

How often do you work out?

I go the box at least four days a week. I typically work out at 5 a.m. Monday through Wednesday, rest on Thursday and get another workout in on Friday and maybe Saturday if I have time.

Where do you go?

I attend Omnis CrossFit. It’s like family. We all encourage each other to do our best. We are definitely competitive, but we celebrate each other’s fitness goals.

Why do you recommend CrossFit?

I would recommend CrossFit because it is an all-around workout that is always changing and challenging. If you’re like me and get bored with always doing the same thing, CrossFit tests all areas of fitness. One day you may do push-ups and deadlifts and the other you’re doing sit-ups and jumping rope. I even go when [the workout includes] overhead squats, which is one of my areas of development. I used to only go when I enjoyed a particular skill, but I’ve learned that when I conquer something that has been hard for me, that accomplishment is the sweetest feeling.

Kristi Smith is the senior director of development for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.